If you are experiencing slow performance or technique difficulties:
1. First time loading will take several minutes to download depending on your Internet Speed.
2. Please give this time to download and load. Afterwards the loading time is much quicker.
3. If you continue to experience problems, please Reboot your computer or try a different computer.
4. Clear your browser cache and/or history from Internet Browser Settings.
5. Verify your Internet Browser is set to use hardware acceleration when available, from Browser Settings, Advanced.
6. Try using a different Internet Browser, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari.
7. Verify your Operating System and Internet Browser are up-to-date with the latest updates.
8. Make sure you are using a fast internet connection (Broadband / DSL).
9. If possible, reboot your Internet Router / Firewall.
10. Due to some Firewalls, Device Limitations, Security, you may need to contact your IT department to investigate.
11. You can attempt to use our Mobile App from Apple or Android on your iPad / Tablet / Phone.
** If you have tried all of the options above and are still experiencing slow performance or technique difficulties using our Sedation Simulator Portal;
You can access our backup Sedation Certification Course by going to this link and login using the same credentials:Sedation Certification Course.
You can contact us during business hourse for additional support if needed.
• Phone:
• Toll Free:
• Email:
• Fax: 865-269-4613